Shiny New Twitter

Woke up thismorning to find a whole lot of cosmetic changes to Twitter, that they’d warned us about last night. Quite an improvement I’d say. Hopefully the Twitter staff are finally waking up to the fact that they’d better start making changes to their system and fixing problems, lest their competitors catch up too much.

Recently I’ve been trying out another similar service called Brightkite, much like Twitter, but with a focus on locations and mobile photography. Good thing I recently got my mobile email workingm to post pictures directly. Currently the service is invite only, but you can check out my profile, and if you want to give it a go, just give me a yell and I’ll send an invite. One thing that Brightkite does have over Twitter, as @lexiphanic pointed out, is its free sms notification service internationally, which Twitter turned off a little while ago.

Eager to see what further changes Twitter decides to make anyway, and still wondering when exactly they’re going to fix their IM service and Tracking.

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2 Responses to “Shiny New Twitter”

  1. WebTuga Says:

    Twitter – Novo design…

    A mais popular rede social de microblogging, leia-se Twitter, renovou a estrutura do seu site.
    Para além de “arredondar” os elementos do site, agora o sistema de abas (tabs) está na barra lateral e não no topo como anteriormente.
    A nív…

  2. lexiphanic Says:

    Now, the hard part is getting everyone to use Bkite more. The SMS syntax is a little bit different but there’s a LOT more that can be done than Twitter could ever do.

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