Gravatars are Groovy
Good to see some regular comment coming in to this relatively new blog, but…
Check out the comments to this article (or leave one if you are the first one) and you will see that next to the comment will be a groovy little image. This will more than likely be of a grey anonymous head at the moment, but it doesn’t have to be this way…
WordPress now comes with Gravatar support built in. So head on over, sign up, and upload your pic and use your avatar associated with your email address on loads of different websites around the web.
Here is my current gravatar pulled from the Gravatar site (probably due for a change soon maybe):
You’ll also be able to grab the URI for a direct link to your image, which can be handy at times. It will look something like this:
Anyway, it’s late and I have no idea why I’m blogging this. Till next time.