Human Contact Through Inhuman Means
Wednesday, April 16th, 2008“It’s not especially private, but I still don’t want you reading it.” — My brain, Me
Yesterday I dug up the GNU Privacy Guard email encryption software again, inspired by a recent wave of news about the possibility of employers being commissioned by the Australian government to monitor our emails, the old take the people’s liberties by saying you’re protecting them from ‘terrorist threats’ trick. O what insult to intelligence. My only assumption on their reason for going to the public for help in cyber-snooping is that they are too incompetent to be ‘up for the job’ themselves — if you know what I mean.
I’m unsure of what we the people have demanded in regards to secrecy of correspondence in this country. It seems, from these articles, that email spying by government agencies is just fine and dandy, but for employers it would seem to be illegal, which personally I find to be a little back to front. Perhaps it is strange to think that the government should stay out of privacy for the main part, to hold the that government be restricted in passing any law denying free access to any information, to put privacy not in the hands of any bumbling third party, but in the power of he who values it most, the individual.
I think you’ll find that although I’m not an especially private person, I do respect privacy, and am vehemently against forceful invasion of privacy, particularly by government organisations, or dangerous cults. Working the machines in an office though, I can divulge that it is extremely easy to track electronic correspondence and especially email, though I think the person I’d keep an eye on is the IT guy and not the company administrators, who most likely wouldn’t have a clue. So to those concerned about their own privacy, don’t rely on ineffectual totalitarian control — which doesn’t work from what I can tell anyway — and take your privacy into your own hands.
That’s my little rant over anyway. This post is really just about the creation of a contact details page that I made. Included on that page is my PGP Public Key so that anyone can encrypt an email to me and it would take anyone else about a hundred million years to crack. Also, if anyone does have a public key, could they send it to me, or leave it in the comments here, so I can add it to my keyring.
Human contact is a valuable thing in this age on inhumanism.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) mQGiBEaTEzQRBACi8sAHqPNz2E3Em0gcKjn+5bbvbyoCft1MenScdXV0tNsii+84 MnrPC6nVfafQcq+5uok8sj546+oClHXkZGB6qOL71wvxfVpuyegfkptj5/vxoUwL +U0FExlRHcYYkCSN61Ju8+2BF3QR8hT24J+5GPTEZAugHVpRjV1wigsK8wCg7tph l4DqOsyg5/b4w1s7oiff+aEEAKAwPa0+0FukYo83i+Ixe+bIeR/im2eDN8/7c7Ur jeDw4E+nk+Rpny/MqEUJ3ahpohvWsoYAZpZuIFlY823QLUMKN0OpEfTxuwantDS7 D7B+ny9EzZIszPBzXKRCcG/456LIJROT0Ww9yp4PJDuokmNqcJwjmNa4HMU74cCF nyGTA/466ZmHveFg/IXFK+AGMDBXfc5G5fFHIk22HcWEYlu7ZRsdG9Mom23fL4P9 /PRsN0ERM1+pSN8y2ckmGWCCD/LJDyy25knOgC7kkXufqSqEScB5e9PM3btO5qkq 9PohjRf5dIclSTh6F69vOJAae2N+1JnIkqhh63FOBN+ZoLrVjLQZcGhvY2tzIDxw aG9ja3NAZ21haWwuY29tPohmBBMRAgAmAhsjBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwECHgEC F4AFAkgDgrUFCQ0qN6wACgkQ4+k/c8RCFvHk+QCgyEYUKAZKCjEIzJX9Jym9cTwo bgwAnRnRd2kiHf0ru9pIb453bz2mJ82puQINBEaTEzQQCACesakpz2QAUgbZUtXw ghORc8kd8jwBz3qyie+K5PTIkh1Fisa0wBzM45ceak4H+j3UVjyNYqAa5jlamRnY 9PP3jSFVwyz9Q2o5i3m6yDC8GoIVAwVyuFCF3vvm6QjRuUxmLJ/V0UB3K11lxTGO QzXcsdsQBlw3OB7kqYfxwtHHaC5HUqb4EBPfYSllQRgz2PAj8IgqwIl4Te+PJHlF JlaZFbd6rNYc1nUKO1OLVdIcQ/kDiS3lMDFuPh5DjG213KOj1J2Mm4wN69Nj2H8L S/eLxLuaCMIzhYnQkYTlZJC8HMxxzGAmNOjrM3NalAagJqSui669zfHBuJ9Nk7xZ 4KXvAAMFB/4noEzVYeLXEWz4uxtIt2+bLAK5pdoB9JEtxpekXmNzqVGe5OU8v3Ie fHPELLxHWxvXd8A2qDS6n5SiySjcO/oxihutw6JKkFHHs1mP+uzGrCdCw7PSWm4q Ipxd7Gsv336nMutb+zZM1dFh1iyWql8zkEX6donkqiao9PqSqvPTtYDcDWCjm08H H/nY2UE9YE1MfwrRD65XFKNkNplBrZDsrOzIlcTROWXWl/5TXxfF/7Oz6TmE8wQK dUskKv4ajHL91gRDLWzzlLjuEI7X/xQdRiR8sm9qsDyC3RSDjEN6K3UOXwxKFCc7 Js/rkmOpmnRvuOaMCH/fi8IDkuXvkjOXiE8EGBECAA8FAkaTEzQCGwwFCQlmAYAA CgkQ4+k/c8RCFvHq6gCg5wyxtele6HhHfu98E0nxUZAxfPUAnRprFQfG6uwOBqRb Qf618/wX5Xwd =umby -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
That’s my public key anyway. I use a Firefox add-on called FireGPG to add encryption to emails.